









What’s the Matter with the Computer Time that Cannot Be Changed?

Recently, I have received some inquiries from readers who say that they cannot set the time correctly on their computers. Even if they manually change the time, the computer always reverts back to the original time after a few minutes. This issue has left them extremely puzzled and has affected their mood in using the computer. So, what is the matter with the computer time that cannot be changed?

Firstly, we need to understand how computer time synchronization works. There are two ways to synchronize computer time: hardware clock synchronization and network synchronization. The hardware clock is an internal timer in the computer that starts counting when the computer is turned on. Even if the computer loses power, the hardware clock continues to run. When the computer is powered on again, the hardware clock will set the computer's time to the time before the shutdown. On the other hand, network synchronization involves connecting to the internet and obtaining the correct time from a time server, which then adjusts the computer's time to synchronize with the server time.

So, why can't some computers set the time correctly? One possible reason is a malfunctioning hardware clock. If the hardware clock is faulty, it will not be able to accurately count and save time, leading to the inability to maintain the computer's time in the long run. In this case, we need to check if the computer's hardware clock is working properly and replace it if necessary to solve the problem.

Another possible reason is that the computer has been infected by a virus or malware. Some viruses or malware may modify the computer's time settings to perform malicious activities, such as bypassing trial limitations. If the computer's time constantly changes uncontrollably, we need to run antivirus software to scan and remove any possible viruses or malware.

In addition, network synchronization can also cause issues with setting the computer's time correctly. If our computer cannot connect to a reliable time server or if there are problems with our network connection, the computer time synchronization will fail. In this case, we need to check the network connection and ensure that the computer can connect to the internet. If the network connection is fine but the time synchronization still fails, we can try setting the time manually and check if the changes take effect.

In conclusion, the computer time that cannot be changed may be due to hardware clock malfunctions, virus infection, or network synchronization issues. To address this problem, we can check if the hardware clock is working properly, run antivirus software to scan and remove viruses or malware, and check the network connection while attempting to manually set the time. Hopefully, this article can help readers who encounter this issue.


Tags: computer time setting, hardware clock malfunction, virus infection, network synchronization issue, computer repair

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