




1. 流量清洗(Traffic Scrubbing):流量清洗是一种基于网络层的防护方式。它通过识别和过滤流向服务器的恶意流量,将正常流量转发给服务器,从而阻止攻击请求。高防服务器通过设置阈值和黑白名单进行流量清洗,确保只有合法用户的请求被转发。

2. 分布式拒绝服务攻击防护(DDoS Protection):DDoS攻击是一种常见的攻击方式,它通过向目标服务器发送大量请求,耗尽服务器资源,使其无法正常提供服务。高防服务器通过使用专业的DDoS防护设备和技术,识别和拦截来自多个来源的恶意流量,保护服务器不受DDoS攻击的影响。

3. Web应用防火墙(Web Application Firewall):Web应用防火墙是一种应用层的安全防护设备。它通过监控和过滤HTTP请求和响应,识别和拦截恶意的Web流量。高防服务器中常常集成了Web应用防火墙,以防止SQL注入、跨站脚本攻击等常见的Web攻击。

4. IP封堵(IP Blocking):高防服务器可以记录和监测所有访问服务器的IP地址,当检测到来自某个IP的恶意流量时,可以进行IP封堵。通过封堵恶意IP,可以有效地阻止攻击源,保护服务器的安全。

5. 高速带宽和承受力强:高防服务器通常配备了高速带宽,使得服务器能够承受大量的流量和请求。这使得服务器能够更好地应对攻击,保持正常的运行和响应速度。


Ways to Mitigate Attacks with American DDoS Protected Servers

With the increasing number of cyber attacks, protecting websites from such attacks has become extremely crucial. As a commonly used defense mechanism, utilizing DDoS protected servers has become the preferred choice for many website owners. So, what are the ways in which American DDoS protected servers mitigate attacks? Let's explore some of the most common defense measures.

1. Traffic Scrubbing: Traffic scrubbing is a network layer-based protection mechanism. It filters out and blocks malicious traffic heading towards the server, allowing only legitimate traffic to flow through. DDoS protected servers employ traffic scrubbing by setting thresholds and using blacklists and whitelists to ensure that only legitimate user requests are forwarded.

2. DDoS Protection: DDoS attacks are a prevalent form of attack where a server is flooded with a massive amount of requests, overwhelming its resources and making it unable to function properly. DDoS protected servers use specialized DDoS protection devices and technologies to identify and block malicious traffic from multiple sources, safeguarding the server from DDoS attacks.

3. Web Application Firewall (WAF): A Web Application Firewall operates at the application layer and provides security protection. It monitors and filters HTTP requests and responses, identifying and blocking malicious web traffic. DDoS protected servers often integrate a WAF to prevent common web attacks such as SQL injections and cross-site scripting.

4. IP Blocking: DDoS protected servers can record and monitor the IP addresses accessing the server. If malicious traffic is detected from a particular IP, it can be blocked. By blocking malicious IPs, the server's security can be effectively enhanced, protecting it from potential attacks.

5. High-Speed Bandwidth and Resilience: DDoS protected servers are equipped with high-speed bandwidth to handle a large influx of traffic and requests. This capability enables the server to better withstand attacks, ensuring normal operation and responsive performance.

In summary, American DDoS protected servers employ various strategies, including traffic scrubbing, DDoS protection, web application firewalls, IP blocking, and high-speed bandwidth and resilience, to mitigate attacks. The combination of these measures provides comprehensive protection for websites, guaranteeing normal operation and a positive user experience.

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