






```ini NameVirtualHost *:80

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website1" ServerName www.website1.com ServerAlias website1.com

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website2" ServerName www.website2.com ServerAlias website2.com ```



```ini server { listen 80; server_name www.website1.com website1.com; root /path/to/website1; }

server { listen 80; server_name www.website2.com website2.com; root /path/to/website2; } ```




```ini Listen 80

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website1" ServerName localhost

Listen 8080

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website2" ServerName localhost ```



Tags: 内网服务器、多个网站、虚拟主机、端口号、Apache服务器、Nginx服务器

Setting Up Multiple Websites on an Internal Server

In the modern Internet era, websites have become important tools for businesses and individuals to showcase their image and disseminate information. After years of development, the number of websites on the Internet has reached an impressive number. In order to improve the speed and security of websites, many companies and individuals choose to set up multiple websites on internal servers. This article will provide a detailed explanation of how to set up multiple websites on an internal server.

Firstly, we need to select a suitable computer as the internal server and ensure its network environment is normal. Next, we need to install appropriate server software such as Apache or Nginx. These server software support the setting of virtual hosts, allowing us to set up multiple websites through virtual hosts.

In Apache server, we can set up virtual hosts by modifying the configuration file httpd.conf. First, we need to add the following code in the configuration file:

```ini NameVirtualHost *:80

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website1" ServerName www.website1.com ServerAlias website1.com

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website2" ServerName www.website2.com ServerAlias website2.com ```

In the above code, we declare the port of the virtual host through the NameVirtualHost directive, and then set the document root directory and domain name of the two websites in the VirtualHost blocks.

In Nginx server, we can set up virtual hosts by modifying the configuration file nginx.conf. Firstly, we need to add the following code:

```ini server { listen 80; server_name www.website1.com website1.com; root /path/to/website1; }

server { listen 80; server_name www.website2.com website2.com; root /path/to/website2; } ```

In the above code, we set the domain names of the two websites through the server_name directive, and set the document root directories of the two websites through the root directive.

After setting up the virtual hosts, we can modify DNS resolution or the local hosts file to resolve the domain names to the IP address of the internal server. Then, we can access these two websites in a web browser.

Besides setting up virtual hosts, we can also set up multiple websites through different port numbers. For example, in Apache server, we can modify the configuration file httpd.conf to set different port numbers:

```ini Listen 80

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website1" ServerName localhost

Listen 8080

DocumentRoot "/path/to/website2" ServerName localhost ```

In the above code, we set two different port numbers through the Listen directive, and set the document root directory and domain name of the two websites in the VirtualHost blocks.

In conclusion, setting up multiple websites on an internal server requires selecting suitable server software and implementing it through virtual hosts or port numbers. Both Apache and Nginx provide simple and flexible configuration methods.

Tags: Internal server, Multiple websites, Virtual hosts, Port numbers, Apache server, Nginx server

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